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Selected Countries- Free shipping with a purchase of $200 or more-see info below
Known as the Emerald that fell from the universe, Moldavite is a tektite (Meteorite) with a hardness of approx. 6 on the Mohs scale. The asteroid impacked the earth approx. 14.5 million years ago what is now known as the Ries Crater in Barvaria (Germany). The melted material from the impact was sent flying into the atmosphere, cooled down & formed the tektite into what is now Moldavite, primarily landing in the areas of South Bohemia (Czech Republic.
(Updated Sept 30th, 2021). Due to increase demand for these starborn stones, Moldavites popularity has increased 10 fold. The latest news from Czech is there is no new mining on the horizon. In the past year alone prices has increased dramatically & unfortunately prices will keep going up as demand outstrips availability. Any Moldavite that is over 20 grams is now considered a rarity. I caution you to choose carefully who you purchase from, there is a ton of fake Moldavite on the market & it's only going to get worse going forward. Moldavite prices are high. If you see Moldavite on other sites & the prices are cheap, then it's most certainly a fake!
Tip: Real Moldavite has energy, just like everything that is real on this earth. I check Moldavite with a Pendulum (Dowsing method). If you know how to use a Pendulum, try it, the Pendulum should start moving. Any dead material (no energy) like glass will not make the Pendulum move.
Besednice Moldavite are the most prized & sought after of all Moldavite. Known as "Hedgehogs" for their spikes, these beautiful green, rich & dark textured tektites were found in & around the Besednice townsite & nearby fields. This area has been closed off for over 12 years now, making Besednice Hedgehogs very rare! It is illegal to extract Moldavite from this area as it is patrolled on a regular basis. The land has been reclaimed with trees & plants. Update January 2021.
The last remaining lots of Besednice has been release from the Czech Republic Expect more price increases.
One of the stones of the star children, moldavite activates profound shifts in consciousness, sprirtual awakening & transformation. Moldavite has a high silicon content & is a very high vibrational frequency stone that should be worn over the the heart chakra. It is very stimulating & can have grounding benefits. Besednice Moldavite activates heart to crown chakras. One of the easiest felt stones, Moldavite should be introduced slowly to avoid side effects, like the Moldavite "Flush" or headaches due to it's high frequency.